Fantastical Thoughts - The Collective Canal

Project Info:

WHO is the canal designed for? WHO should it be designed for and HOW?

Through a one day workshop with local residents of Blackburn, Manchester based architecture and design studio Playground, playfully sought to explore the Blackburn stretch of Liverpool to Leeds Canal - its landscape, historic buildings and its users and imagine and immortalize in a model what a more fantastical collective canal, used by everybody, could look like.

Growing throughout the week, the model was displayed at the Festival of Making Weekend and continued to evolve throughout its duration with new ideas gathered from the festival goers + online public being added.

Alongside the model, a semi-permanent piece of playful wayfinding (inspired by the iconic canal signage still seen today) was built  for the public to see on the canal for months after the festival ends.

playground. / Multidiscplinary Design Studio / / t:07709107818 /